Posted on June 28, 2011
It is now close to 1:00 AM on Tuesday morning. I have been actively working on the site since morning coffee. I now have about half of the pages optimized, at least so far a SubmitExpress says they are “in the green”. I’m sure there will be more tweaking and testing to come, but first things first.
I probably should have installed the analytics first, as things could get out of hand before I can get back to it, like they did tonight. I was doing some final “adjusting” on the “our books” page when suddenly the opt-in form disappeared for no apparent reason! I tried everything in html that I knew and still nothing. While I was playing with that, Sharon tried something else from her side, and a notice came up that we had exceeded the limit of submissions!
I thought,, “No way!”. It sounded impossible. I’ve never had that happen before! I had not been receiving any email notices, either, so I couldn’t understand how I could be over the limit! But sure enough, after I tracked it down, JotForm was holding all the submissions in que and I had to download them to an Excel file!
Now I have my work cut out for me tomorrow in transferring all of those into my list. I still manage my own lists, but if I start getting this much response, I may have to go with a different system that can handle the traffic, and allow my time to be freed up for other things.
So to all of you who are signing up for the free book, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I’m working to get the meta-tags and analytics on the site pages before I go back to the full version of the book, but I will get it out there as soon as humanly possible!
I’m not going to worry about the product links right now, but I am still building my vendor list. Whether they have ad banners I can actually use remains to be seen. I will use the analytics to determine what product pages are getting the most hits and those will be the ones I work on first, after the book is ready.
Keep in mind, this whole project is a work in progress. The book will evolve, the products, will evolve, and the entire site will evolve! We will never be “done” adding information to it, and learning from our readers as (hopefully) they will be from us.
Just this morning I fielded an email from L.H. who suggested I look at other brands of powered coolers, and after investigating it, sure enough, it is worthy of being recommended, and I rewrote the article accordingly. That is the kind of good input we need to build this site, not the back-stabbing cowardly criticism I see on the forums!
So thank you for your support, and I apologize if anyone was not able to download the book, but tomorrow (or I should say “later this morning”) I will upgrade the JotForm account so that it won’t prevent anyone from getting the book.
Let me know your thoughts, and good night.
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